Please note: This article was first published on Viaduct Dreams and last updated April 28, 20127.

Photo Credit:
Back in June 2016, I wrote about the need for a new author photo, and my desire to hire a professional photographer “soon.” It only took ten months, and here it is: the photo was taken a few days before my 50th birthday on April 18, 2017 (do the math!), and I have to say I am quite pleased with the result.
I lost most of my hair to a chronic illness and some very nasty medication, and what little hair remains has turned grey, but I look happy in this photograph – and I am. I’ve learned to manage my illnesses; I freelance as a writer (and am able to pay all my bills); I work from my home office (dress code: pajamas), and I am working on a new project. The last 15 years have not been easy, but I’ve come out on top. So happy 50th birthday to me – and I look forward to the next 50 years.